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African Conservation Trust logo downloaded from https://www.oneplanetnetwork.org/african-conservation-trust

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African Conservation Trust

From the ACT website (7 March 2020):
ACT started in 2000 as a volunteer organisation, working with communities in Malawi and Botswana, monitoring Hippo and Wild Dog populations. Carl Grossmann, founding Chairman, conceptualised ACT as an organisation that could assist conservation, environment and heritage efforts in SADC. In 2003 we partnered with UKZN to digitally map Rock Art in the Ukhahlamba Drakensburg. Carl Grossmann and Francois du Toit, current CEO, met in 1983 and have together built ACT into a respected and trusted stakeholder.
From 2003, ACT focus shifted to South Africa, and since then, ACT has implemented a range of food security, heritage, erosion control and conservation programmes, and is recognised as an innovative, collaborative partner, that selflessly builds the sector.
ACT is a proud founding member of Project Rhino, manages the ACT Rhino Fund on behalf of the collaborative, and funded the start-up administrative and project management before it became sustainable. We continue to employ and guide the core staff of this entity, with generous support from our donors.
We initiated the collaboration of the Upper UThukela Catchment Forum, were instrumental in the formation of Frackfree SA and the Imfolozi Wilderness Community Alliance.
Through nSimbi programme, we’ve developed and assisted many other NPO’s in the sector to build capacity and access funding, raising over R20million for these other entities in the process. We are committed to building a sustainable and collaborative environmental, conservation and heritage sector.

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